

Heavy Use
Should you have more than the average number of people in your spa, or ever get a slight organic odour, your spa water may need to be ‘shocked’. To be environmentally responsible we suggest Spa Chlorine Granules, When you run all pumps on high with the cover open 30-45 minutes (be sure all jets are open) most of the chlorine dissipates out of your spa water. Before draining, and to be more environmentally friendly, test your water to ensure that all chlorine has dissipated.

Spa Solution® is also compatible with non-chlorine shocks and oxidizers.

Cloudy Water
Check alkalinity levels are between 80 and 120. Water may become cloudy from soap residues or dyes in bathing suits. Cosmetics, lotions, deodorants, body oils, & some fragrances also may cause cloudy water.

Green Tinted Water
This rare condition may be from bathing suits (black, blue, or green colour suits) or blue spa filters. If none of these apply have your water tested for copper, and use a Stain and Scale product. Be sure to use our garden hose Carbon Block Pre-Filter when filling spa the next time which will reduce or eliminate this problem.

To Prevent Scaling
If necessary, to prevent staining or scaling add recommended amount of a Stain & Scale control weekly.

Soft water under 150ppm may cause foaming. Have your water tested, a calcium increaser may be needed to solve this issue. Excessive foaming however, is almost always a result of soap residue left in bathing suits. Just remove with a skimmer net and rinse your filter(s). You may have to do this more than once because of the foam left in the lines in your spa. Very small amounts of ‘Dirty Foam’ at times may appear, this is simply Spa Solution® taking contaminants to your filter(s), which is what it is designed to do. Double rinse bathing suits in hot water to remove dyes, soap & phosphates found in soap. A soap-less shower is recommended before entering your spa.

Water Mould (white flakes in spa water)
If you see what appears to be a large quantity of small light coloured flakes in the spa water it may be a water mould. Please click here to read more and view the recommended procedure for eradicating this mould.

High or Low Alkalinity
Use Alkalinity Up or pH Down, and check again within 24-hours