Tips to Know If Switching to Natural Hot Tub Cleaner Regimen

Do you want to clean your hot tub using a natural hot tub cleaner regimen? If so, you might want to stick around and keep reading this blog.

Natural hot tub cleaning products and regimen are getting popular in the market. They are an attractive option for people who want to use a nearly chemical-free hot tub cleaning routine. Whether it is to avoid skin allergies caused by chemicals or to be environmentally friendly, more hot tub owners want to use a natural hot tub cleaner. natural spa cleanerHowever, there are a few tips that you should know before you start using natural hot tub cleaning regimens. 

  • Research Thoroughly

Many companies sell their products under the name of natural spa cleaner; however, they are chemical hot tub cleaning products. So, before you start using a natural hot tub cleaning regimen, research thoroughly and choose a company that offers authentic natural hot tub cleaners. 

  • Use a Biofilm Eliminating Agent

Before you switch to using natural hot tub cleaning products or any other alternative, make sure to remove all organic matter. Also, use hot tub jets for flushing out any debris. 

  • Hot Tub Draining

Don’t forget to drain your hot tub. This will give you a fresh start. You can let your hot tub dry for a few hours before you refill. 

  • Test Your Water

Before you start with your natural hot tub cleaning regimen, make sure to test the water to set the pH and alkalinity. 

  • Add Natural Hot Tub Cleaning Products

So, once you are ready with freshwater set at the required pH and alkalinity, you should add your natural hot tub cleaning products. Make sure to add these products once a week. This will help you keep your hot tub water clean for longer. natural hot tub chlorine alternative

  • Water Shock

Don’t forget to shock the water with the right oxidizing agent. Most natural hot tub cleaning agents will mention the oxidizing agent you should use to shock the water. Read it carefully. 

These are a few tips that will help you switch to using natural hot tub cleaning products. Now, if you have been looking for an enzyme-based natural hot tub chlorine alternative, you can check out the range offered by us at SpaSolution®. 

We are among the leading companies that offer authentic natural hot tub cleaning products that are 100% safe for use. Our products will help you keep your hot tub clean for three months. 

Check out our website to know more.